AppleJuice TeaParty Team
AppleJuice TeaParty serves up an eclectic array of handmade treasures to steep your environment in the weird and wonderful, including Vegan Bath and Body Products, Enchanted Home Decor, Kpop Fanart, Bonnets, Scrunchies, Bags, and more!

Meet the Team!
Dorie and Angelica are inspired to create by the things they love; music, friends, flowers, helping people, fantasy, feminism, sea creatures, Versailles tea parties, good people, aliens, and positive vibes.

With a love of all things pastel, spooky, and covered in glitter, Angelica creates cruelty-free and nut-free bath and body products such as beautiful crystal soaps, colorful bath bombs, moisturizing sugar scrubs, and everything in between.

Aesthetically eclectic, Dorie sculpts creepy crystalline ceramic decor, repurposes vintage teacups into hand-poured soy candles, stitches masks and other fiber delights, and creates original Kpop/Anime fanart.